Te Hononga Ki te Ao Maaori & Puna Ako

Our Ethos 

Whakapiki ake te tirohanga ki tua o pae – Set your sights beyond the horizon!! 

  • Taitamariki at the Heart.  
  • Guided by the values of our school: Whanaungatanga, Whakaute, Korowai Manaaki. 
  • Accountable to the Whānau, Hapu and Iwi. 
  • Aspirations through Māori lens – Maaori world view.  
  • Success in both worlds – Te Ao Maaori and Te Ao Paakeha.  
  • Mana ōrite mo te Matauranga Māori. 
  • Inclusive of all.   

Te Hononga Ki te Ao Maaori Staff 

Head of Faculty, Year 13 Pouako- Manukura

Whaea Rhema Jakeman 

Kaiako Reo Maaori, Kaiarahi – Cultural Advisor

Whaea Piki Jakeman    

Year 12 Pouako- Tuakana

Whaea Kirsty Couper  

Year 11 Pouako- Akoranga

Whaea Amy Lambourne

Kaikawe Tikanga, Year 10 Pouako- Tupuranga

Matua Henare Pairama 

Year 9 Pouako- Teina

Whaea Lisa Lunjevich


Matua Selwyn Herewini 

What is Te Puna Ako?

Te Puna Ako is a Whānau unit which sits within the faculty of Te Hononga Ki te Ao Maaori. This unit is made up of five form classes based on principles of Tuakana Teina:

Teina- Year 9

Tupuranga- Year 10

Akoranga- Year 11

Tuakana- Year 12

Manukura- Year 13

Te Puna Ako provides a space for students and their whānau at Waiuku College to connect to Te Ao Māori and to draw from the strength of their cultural identity to achieve their academic potential. 

Te Puna Ako students have a valuable opportunity to be in an environment that embraces all aspects of Tikanga and Te Reo Māori thus allowing students to flourish within Te Ao Māori and Te Ao Pākeha.  Celebrating and maintaining identity as Māori in Te Puna Ako enhances the development of confident, connected and educated Rangatahi Māori. 

Te Puna Ako Goals 

  • To build leaders. 
  • To promote Te Reo Maaori and Tikanga Maaori within our Whaanau classes.           
  • To provide support for students in their wider subject areas.  
  • To encourage both individual and cultural pride. 
  • For students to value education and develop a sense of  purpose and direction for the future. 
  • To meet the needs of our Tauira Maaori and support the aspirations of their Whaanau, Hapu and Iwi. ​ 
  • More opportunities for students to learn and achieve in Te Ao Maaori. ​
  • To produce good citizens who are confident and resilient to navigate themselves through life.  
  • Building a partnership between student, school, and home with a commitment to the aspirations of Ngaati Te Ata.​
  • Teamwork and leadership  
  • Excellence in all aspects of school life. ​ 

What is the process for students to join Te Puna Ako? 

Students will have opportunities to be involved in Marae noho, Kapahaka, and historical and cultural events. The Whaanau classes will also provide a Turangawaewae that will nurture the students’ sense of belonging and self-esteem. 

Criteria for entry includes (but is not limited to) the following information from previous kura: 

  • Academic Achievement 
  • Cultural Involvement 
  • Behavioural History 
  • Whānau Commitment 

Our expectations:  

  •  Students commit to working hard individually and as a group with dedication to achieving their true potential. 
  •  Students commit to fostering Te Reo and Tikanga Maaori. 
  • Students participate in Kapa Haka, Kaitiakitanga and/or Waka Ama.  
  • Support and involvement from Whaanau.  

Te Puna Ako accepts student applications throughout the year – Year 9 to Year 13 subject to space availability. 

For any enquiries, please contact: 

Whaea Rhema Jakeman 
