Sports Disciplinary & Code of Conduct


Waiuku College implements disciplinary procedures if:

  • Any player is involved in an incident of gross misconduct during a game of sport where he/she is representing Waiuku College.
  • Any player repeatedly failing to fulfil their ‘studentship’ obligations at Waiuku College.
  • If you have been stood down from Waiuku College you are automatically stood down from that week of sport from your chosen team.

The Sports Director, Teacher in Charge of the relevant sport/Senior Leader in charge of Sport and/or the Waiuku College Principal will hear any major concerns regarding the conduct of an individual or team from Waiuku College involved in a sporting fixture. From here the individual/team is questioned before the final decision is made.  In most cases, the outcome involves a stand-down from one or more future games.  Any complaints received from College Sport regarding any individuals/teams and/or Tournament Week eligibility is directed straight to the Sports Director/Senior Leader in charge of Sport and the Waiuku College Principal.


All students representing Waiuku College are expected to abide by the rules and regulations within the sports and the school rules.

  1. Students are expected to give total commitment to the sport or code they have selected to play.
  2. Students are required to attend all training sessions, games, and competitions and pay all fees and uniform costs where applicable. If unable to attend they must notify their coach or manager in advance of the practice or the game.
  3. Students must commit to their selected sport for the entire season.
  4. Students must treat all opponents with respect and courtesy.
  5. Students must respect all officials, coaches, and managers and their decisions without gestures or arguments.
  6. Students will show that representing Waiuku College is a privilege and honour.
  7. Students will win with humility, lose with dignity and always exercise self-control.
  8. Students should play hard – but play fair.
  9. Students must wear the correct Waiuku College sporting uniform during the game.

Students will all be expected to sign a code of conduct form when they register for their chosen sport.


In addition to the above, for any student to attend Tournament Week, the requirements are as follows:

  1. All current coursework/assignments must have been completed no later than two weeks before Tournament Week.
  2. All subject teachers must have signed that Requirement 1 had been completed no later than two weeks before Tournament Week.
  3. Attendance at school up to and including the end of the week, two weeks before Tournament Week must be 85% or greater (inclusive of justified absences)
Any exceptions to the meeting of Requirements 1-3 above must be approved in writing by Mr. Stuart Kelly (principal/tumuaki).